Ahh coconuts…is it really bath time?!

Sandwiched between dinner time and my favourite, the hallowed- bedtime, bath time takes place when you are just about broken and if it doesn’t send you over the edge I don’t know what will.

We have had a month of the lurgy, yes a FULL month. I have disinfected the house from top to bottom. (Get out evil lurgy!!!) I’m tired and grumpy but bless them the boys do love a good soak even if mummy doesn’t!! Its not even the bath it’s everything associated with it-getting them in, getting them out-why why is it so hard to get them into the bath and then even hardier to get them out-the bribery and negotiations that take place!!! Don’t even get me started on the hair drying. And little miss, little miss loves swimming but HATES the bath!!

But recently I don’t know why-perhaps they have all sensed my impending breakdown and decided to give me a break but the boys have been excellent and my little lady couldn’t have been happier to get in the water πŸ‘πŸΌπŸŽ‰πŸ™ŒπŸΌ Yay me!!! πŸ’ƒπŸΌ My happy dance..celebrating small parenting victories!!

So able to enjoy the experience I finally have had the chance to try out my Kokoso baby coconut oil πŸ’ž(available from http://www.desmondelephant.co.uk).

I’m partial to coconut oil for cooking and everyone knows it’s beauty benefits but I had never tried it as a baby product before. Little miss suffers from dry skin and from cradle cap. Coconut oil was recommended as a natural way to help clear both up, so I decided to give it a go.

Not only does it smell divine but a little of this product goes a long way. My cooking coconut oil tends to be greasy, and bitty but this product is smooth, it absorbs well int the skin and doesn’t feel or look oily. After just one go it almost immediately helped with her dry patches andΒ after just a couple of uses the cradle cap has cleared up πŸ™ŒπŸΌ Its πŸ’― natural and best yet mummy can reap the benefits too(all hail the beauty benefits of pure coconut oil!) @desmondelephant stocks the range starting from Β£5.49. It also stocks the most beautiful range of uni-sex clothes for kids-if you like something that wee bit different for your little loves go have a πŸ‘€..you won’t be disappointed 😍


#desmondelephant #kokoso #coconutoil #benefits #coconutoilbaby #thankyou #gifted #loveit

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