Boots new £20 and under skincare range has real women buzzing.

IMG_7075The high-street’s favourite pharmacy, Boots, have launched their first new skincare range in 20 years – Your Good Skin. Developed by dermatologists and scientists in collaboration with real women the range promises to re-store and re-balance your skin and all at an attractive price as well.

Three years in the making, Your Good Skin boosts 23 products in its range from cleansers to face masks, to lip-balms, exfoliators, night-creams and serums ranging from £3.99 -£20.00.

The clinical trials took place over a period of 28days and I am now part of a community of ‘real women’ who will be putting a selected sample of products from the range to the test over the same amount of time.

1.Instant Dryness Rescue

2.Pore Minimising Tonic

3.Oil Lifting Make-Up Remover Wipes

4. Balancing Skin Concentrate.

The Balancing Skin Concentrate has been hailed as the “hero” of the range. Not since the market entry of Boots’ iconic No.7 Protect and Perfect serum which launched to sellout success back in 2007 and had waitlists the length of those wishing for a Birkan handbag has a single product created so much buzz. The reason why – the use of the ingredient Japanese Lily turf root which smooth’s out skin-tone and brightens. And, while I’m not at the menopausal stage in my life just yet, the serum has been credited as a wonder-product for dry and for saggy skin associated with this.

Personally I have always had a love/hate relationship with cosmetics. Growing up I would frequently have blotchy, dry and reactive skin with the result I hated using skin care, putting on make-up and even dreaded washing my hair. (I’ll forever be thankful to my uni girls for introducing me to dry shampoo!!)It wasn’t until my early twenties that I read about parabens in products and the effect they could have on your skin. Since then every product I use is completely paraben-free and the change in my skin has been amazing. Thankfully Your Good Skin is paraben-free too.


My current products have just run out so this test has come at the perfect time and I am really excited to part of this community of women, see how the products go and share my journey with you.

Follow me on instagram @justthreelittleloves for my skin diary over the next 4 weeks.#impartneringwithyourgoodskin #yourgoodskin #28daychallenge


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